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Metallics for the holidays may not be groundbreaking, but our (sometimes secret) obsession with them goes on full blast during this most festive of seasons. Bright, shiny objects will draw you in, ignite your holiday spirit, and release a wave of happy chemicals. It’s visceral. So much so that we have to wonder: what is it about metallics that leaves us all so dazzled? Do their illuminative qualities tap into our spiritual center? Do their reflective properties play into our narcissistic nature? Is there a (subconscious) magnetic pull that we’re not aware of?

We’ll explore all of these questions and more as we shed some light into the origins of our intense relationship with all things metallic, and provide some chic and fun ways to experience our favorite elements, compounds and alloys. Welcome to our Metallika story.



Good Chemistry:  Defined as an element, alloy, or compound that conducts heat and electricity, metals are the capturers, facilitators, and conduits of energy. Not to geek out, but they represent 91 of the 118 elements in the periodic table.  So, in effect, we, our environments, and our interactions are metallic by nature.

A Lesson for the (Metal) Ages: Metals have molded us (no pun intended) into who we are. The discovery and conscious production of metals pulled humanity out of the Stone Ages and marked the beginning of a transformative period. Starting with Copper, then Bronze and finally Iron, the Metal Ages are at the root of all technological innovation, as well as our ritual and social lives. 

Enlighten Us: Alchemy is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition, whose purpose is to “transmute” something lesser into its greatest version. To exoterics this meant the transmutation of lesser metals, such as lead, into gold. For esoterics, the process represents the transformation of the alchemist into a transcendent, enlightened being. With a focus on purifying, maturing, and perfecting, both versions appeal to us. 

Narcissistically Speaking: By breaking down the key characteristics of metals, we can better understand the psychology behind our love for them. Their lustrous and luminous qualities all play into our narcissistic and reflective natures.

Object(s) of Desire: Metals are associated with rarity and permanence, which explains why artists and designers, throughout the ages, have used metals to create sculptures, object d’arts, ornaments and jewels. 

Enjoy our deconstruction and translation of story through texturesymbolism and color…


Textures / Finishes

MetalliKA Textures / Finishes
Brushed, Gerhard Richter
Hammered, Otto Piene
Drip, Sean Kelly


MetalliKA Theme
Metallic Ribbon, Christopher Beane
Rudolf Stingel
Feathers, Alexander McQueen

Textures / Finishes:

MetalliKA Textures / Finishes
High Polish, Jeff Koons
Raw, Platinum Stone
Glitter Man, Eugenia Loli

Textures / Finishes

Mirrored: This high-polish finish creates an alluring mirrored effect. Perfect for those who aren’t afraid of attention or making a bold statement.  

Liquid: Captures the fluid movement of metals in liquid form, allowing us to embrace its malleable qualities and drip effects. For the rule-breaker who doesn’t like to conform to the traditional.  Definitely for those who color outside the lines. 

Unfinished: Raw, unfinished metals in their natural form. For those who appreciate the organic art of nature. 

Brushed: A satin finish with fine line patterns, which boasts a matte lustre. Chic and understated.

Glittered: Fragmented metallic pieces that come together for a sparkly effect. Fun, flirty and nostalgic.

Gold-Leaf: Gold (or other metals) that have been hammered into thin sheets, often used to achieve an opulent, gilded look.  

Hammered: Shaped and formed by a metal worker’s hammer, this texture is artisanal chic and inspires visions of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman jewelry and objects.



Gold: Gold is connected to the most powerful of the celestial bodies, the Sun. It represents perfection and purity, and was often used as an offering for the gods, as well as other ceremonial purposes. Most cultures and religions connect this metal to wealth, prosperity, growth and higher knowledge.

Silver: This regal metal is connected to the Moon, and is often associated with traits of intuition, self-reflection and inner wisdom. Considered a feminine metal that is deeply connected to the goddess spirits, Silver is believed to have powerful energies which facilitate and promote divination, healing and protection. 

Copper: Ruled by Venus, Copper is one of the oldest metals embodying the beauty, youthfulness and nurturing aspect of women. It reflects all matters of love and lust, and is symbolic of various traits including charisma, beauty and creativity. 

Mercury: Associated with its namesake planet, Mercury is an unusual metal that exists in liquid form in its natural state. Its toxicity connects it to death and transformation, while its fluidity associates it with travel and movement. The alchemists considered it one of the three principal substances on Earth, along with salt and sulphur. 

Tin: Connected to Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance. In Roman mythology Jupiter was the god of the sky and thunder, with Zues as his Greek equivalent. Tin is related to expansion and growth, optimism, morality, and gratitude.

Iron: Associated with Mars, Iron is connected to two Roman gods, Mars – the god of war, and Vulcan – the god of fire and metallurgy. It’s symbolic of action, desire, masculine energy and animalistic survival instincts. While both lead and tin are soft metals, yielding readily to pressure, iron, is a hard, severe metal capable of great resistance.

Lead: Lead is connected to Saturn, and maybe the least popular of metals, symbolically speaking. To better understand this connection, one must look deeper into the astrological meaning of the planet. Saturn is commonly referred to as the planet of Karma, and is associated with restriction, limitation, discipline, responsibility and learning life’s hard lessons. 



Halcyonic Gold: As the most coveted of all precious metals, this gorgeous gold boasts beautiful shade of metallic yellow-orange, exuding an intoxicating and warm internal glow.

Silver Goddess: A soft metallic grey which seems to be internally lit by the reflective white light of the moon.

Russian Rose:  A gorgeous pink-hued gold tone created by mixing gold and copper, which gained popularity in Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Gun Metallika: A mysterious, dark grey metallic tone grounded with hints of blue and purple.

Brilliant Brass: A white-washed golden hue created from a mixture of copper and zinc.

Infernal Bronze: An inviting warm metallic brown color created from an intoxicating mixture of copper and tin.



As you’ve learned by now, metals come in an array of forms, colors and textures. Here are a few of our fave metallic hues that you can shop. Enjoy!

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